Keep Grinding

Micro Rants

April Fools Jokes

"TWiLight Menu++" was so unstable when I originally tried it, probably because the devs wasted time making a nonsensical startup screen instead of improving their program. You can insert a joke for April 1st, but the core project should take top priority.

Bit.Trip Flux Sucks

Flux is the lowest point of the Bit.Trip series. The cutscenes look poor, and the gameplay ranges from boring to infuriating. Despite the Commander being presumed dead, the background's words form "There is no death." Additionally, he still appears in Bit.Trip Complete's menus and further games. CommanderVideo never died.

Brain Age: Concentration Training Made My Brain Hurt

I liked the Brain Age Express trilogy, so I thought I would enjoy Concentration Training. I was wrong. Devilish Training was more headache-inducing than stimulating, Block Head felt like trial and error, and the unlock conditions were tedious. Even the series's first game was preferable.

Friday Night Funkin' Is Redundant

FNF is likely the worst knockoff of DanceDanceRevolution. None of the characters are likable, and the input detection is sh**ty. Even with the KadeEngine mod, there are still references to Sr Pelo and ZONE's horrible cartoons. Besides, Stepmania is already a good clone of DDR. If it isn't broken, don't try to fix it.

Overuse of JavaScript

Web designers need to stop using JavaScript just to display core text and images. HTML already does that well and faster, so save scripts for forms.

Self-Imposed Challenges Are Stupid

If a game is so easy for you that you have to improvise difficulty, you should just play a harder game. Don't humiliate yourself.

Sensory Abuse

Raising stupid sh**'s volume, exposure, or saturation does not automatically make it funny. Please stop.


Slurs are lazy ad hominem attacks. Just laugh at them.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4's Wasted Potential

If Sonic Adventure had a proper prequel, the latter could answer many questions that the former raises. How did Sonic learn the homing attack? How did Tails obtain a Chaos Emerald for the Tornado? If Knuckles is the last of his kind, how did he learn to speak and fight? How did Big meet Froggy/Kaeru-kun? What motivated Eggman to build the Egg Carriers? There was so much potential that was wasted by limiting Sonic 4's major characters to Sonic, Tails, and Eggman.

Transwashing Is Trashy

If you want cisgender people to respect transgenderism, don't pretend cis characters are trans. It just makes you look as stupid as the bigots you hate, especially when the series has characters with the same gender you're projecting onto ones who are okay with themselves. Also, Lady Lunanova and RosieRoberta are retarded perverts and I would not have sex with them.

Where Is Our Respect?

Regardless of how many wonderfully talented people make themselves known, dumbsh**s and criminals almost always receive more exposure and income. How many f***ups can one group have before it starts losing too much money and its collaborators traumatize their customers? This is especially worrying when the prominent members have kids! I have no sleep schedule anymore because the victims' heartfelt screams and the likely future victims' sobs keep me awake at night.